David Gallagher, Founder of DG Advisory

David Gallagher is an inspirational leader, communicator, mentor and friend. As the former CEO of Ketchum UK (a global communications consultancy) and latterly President for International Growth & Development at Omnicom PR Group, his professional background is impressive and so is his approach to business success. After any conversation with David I feel excited about the possibilities for partnership and learning - and perhaps you will too.

Congratulations on the recent launch of DG Advisory. Tell me what took you down this path and where it all began.

“Thanks! The shortest version of the story is that after decades of running PR agencies and advising corporate communications departments, I wanted to help other leaders succeed with their own careers, building successful agencies or transforming comms functions. Like a lot of people, I began to see alternative futures for myself during the pandemic - pathways beyond working for a big agency or holding group and connecting directly with creative, innovative entrepreneurs and leaders willing and able to try new ways of working. And so far, it has been great!”

Can you remember/describe a pivotal moment in your career?

“There have been a few actually. First, moving to Washington, DC after graduating from the University of Texas with a journalism degree. I had never even been on an airplane before that, and really my 'career' at that point was a series of odd-jobs, but that move opened new possibilities that never would have presented themselves had I stayed in Texas. Second, the decision to move to London from DC - again, I had only been to the UK once before and had never been to other European markets I'd be working in. And third, the decision to leave a safe and high-paying job to pursue a new set of interests and opportunities.”

What makes the work that you do now meaningful to you?

“Helping other people succeed and develop is meaningful on its own, obviously, but there's a multiplier effect that's - a little selfishly - gratifying, as well. I get the same dopamine rush seeing those I've worked with recognised for their efforts as I did when I enjoyed similar moments of success, but now I can get it in multiple doses.”

And what do you think makes it meaningful to others?

“Ha, good question. I think some have come to me hoping that I would have a silver-bullet solution to whatever challenges they were facing, simply because of how long I've been in similar situations. This is of course almost never the case, but I like to think I can help them find ideas or confidence or simply an external prompt to find solutions from within.”

What inspires and motivates you in business?

“I've gotten past the shareholder-value definition of business success, sort of the 11th commandment for many of the jobs I've had in the past, and now I am much more inspired by businesses and businesspeople who serve a wider set of stakeholders, inside their organisations and beyond. So service to higher purpose or human need is always motivating for me.”

How do you choose the team of people around you?

“I've finally arrived at a stage where we - me and the people around me - actually choose each other. First stage: I had to be chosen, and that can and did lead to disappointments. Second stage, I did a lot of the choosing and that can and did lead to mistakes. Now, we choose each other based on shared values, professional chemistry and sense that we can do more together than separately.”

What advice do you have for anyone navigating change in their career?

“Get a coach, of course! And don't wait for things to 'fall into place' or for some kind of external intervention or trigger. Take control of your own career.”

Through DG Advisory, David helps leaders and teams around the world reach their next level of excellence in communications. His book Truth Be Told: How Authentic Marketing And Communications Wins In The Purposeful Age is available here.


Rachel Waller, Burberry’s Global VP of Channel Innovation


David Pendleton, Professor in Leadership at Henley Business School