How do you want to lead through times of change?

Helping corporate professionals find clarity in their leadership approach and response to change

Emily is an ICF-accredited coach with over 15 years’ background in Corporate Communications & PR. She currently works for a FTSE 100 hospitality company and provides coaching independently to leaders around the world.

There are many benefits of working with a coach, especially in times of change. The outcomes that my clients have found most valuable are:

  • Greater understanding of their communication style and how others may be perceiving them in their organisation

  • Clarity on their values, emotional triggers, strengths and blind spots and how these things are playing out in conversations and relationships

  • A confidential setting to reflect on conflict and how to manage it moving forwards

  • A challenging framework to uncover new solutions, insights or obstacles that may be getting in the way

  • Action-planning and accountability for achieving goals and addressing competing demands

  • A sounding board to discuss complex business issues and relationships

  • Exploration of career development opportunities

Areas of support

  • Navigating Politics & Influencing in a Matrix Organisation

  • Managing Challenging Relationships & Conflict

  • Thriving Through Change or Relocation

  • Promotion into a Leadership Position

  • Planning Your Next Career Move & Finding Your Purpose

  • Returning To Work: Navigating Life as a New Parent